A deadly medical mistake is one of the biggest tragedies any Houston area
family can experience. Families generally place huge amounts of trust
in medical professionals, hospitals, nursing homes and nurses. When this
trust is broken via a doctor mistake or similar error, the emotions families
go through can range from utter shock to bewilderment, and understandable
While families of a deceased victim often present a strong voice for their
loved one’s interests, holding a negligent party accountable can require
immense knowledge and experience. Medical malpractice lawsuits often require
experts in the medical field who can either confirm or deny that a defendant
deviated from professional standards of care. Important information can
be overlooked in a wrongful death situation; even the smallest of details
can mean the difference between obtaining compensation and missing the
chance to do so.
In addition, medically-related civil lawsuits are often against relatively
powerful entities, such as hospitals, medical device manufacturers or
respected physicians. With several decades of experience going up against
these formidable adversaries in court, the law firm of Hampton & King
has repeatedly fought – and won – to hold these types of parties accountable
for wrongful deaths. The firm has handled myriad types of medical negligence
cases over the years, from fatal diagnostic errors to deadly surgical
mistakes. This wide range of case types has given the attorneys at our
firm the winning background needed for asserting a deceased victim’s
interests in court.
Following the loss of a loved one in a medical sitting, it can be tough
to ponder legal action. Still, getting the right information about the
available options after a fatal accident is often a necessary step.
Call 713.489.0993 for your free case consultation.
Let us get you answers and review your options today.