
Warning Signs of Stillbirth

In 2014, during her first pregnancy, Brooke Smith visited the hospital twice because she noticed one of the warning signs of stillbirth– her baby stopped kicking. Both times, the doctors sent her home, even though she was 39 weeks pregnant. She kept insisting that her baby’s movements had slowed. Six days after her second visit,…

How Many People Have Cerebral Palsy?

Understanding the prevalence of cerebral palsy can bring a sense of comfort to parents of children with CP. Over 17 million people worldwide, including hundreds of thousands in the United States, live with cerebral palsy. Knowing this can help parents feel less isolated.  In this article, we’ll explore how many people are affected by cerebral…
Newborn baby in the NICU receiving treatment for fetal hypoxia.

Fetal Hypoxia: Is it Preventable?

“It’s so painful. My contractions are too close together…something’s not right!” the woman in labor cries. But doctors dismiss her concerns. They leave her unattended for almost an hour. When a nurse finally takes a look at the fetal heart monitor, she sees abnormal patterns. Frantically, she calls the doctor, and he orders an emergency…

What is Short Umbilical Cord & What Causes it?

Imagine you’re holding a kite on a windy day. If the string is too short, the kite can’t fly high. Similarly, a short umbilical cord in pregnancy can limit the baby’s movement and growth. But what causes short umbilical cords to form? In this article, we’ll answer this question and others about this rare condition. …
A stethoscope lying next to a gavel.

Can You Sue a Hospital for Traumatic Birth?

When you’re in the hospital about to give birth, you hope the doctors and nurses will be your greatest allies. But what happens when the very people you trust to protect you and your baby turn against you? What if they turn your joyous moment into a traumatic experience? If you’re left wondering, “Can you…

Fetal Intolerance to Labor

In labor, the mother and baby are tested to their limits. It’s a high-stakes event, and the baby might not respond well to the pressure. When that happens, it’s called fetal intolerance to labor. In this article, we’ll explore why fetal intolerance of labor happens. We’ll also discuss what doctors can do to help a…