Da Vinci Robot Lawsuit | Medical Innovation Gone Wrong
Ever heard of the da Vinci robot and the lawsuits surrounding it? It may not sound like the name of a medical device, but it is. Teresa Hershey of Palm Springs, California needed a hysterectomy. She was offered an innovative treatment instead of a traditional surgery. Persuaded, in fact. Her doctor recommended a robot perform…
Medical Malpractice
6 Common Types Of Medical Malpractice | What Injuries To Watch Out For
Medical malpractice occurs more often than it should. In fact, about 250,000 people die each year due to medical malpractice. And that doesn’t even take into account the number of people who escape death, but still suffer from an unnecessary injury or illness. That’s why we think it’s important to openly talk about the different…
Medical Malpractice
Can I File a Patient Profiling Lawsuit?
Patient Profiling & Discrimination Lawsuits In this post we’ll answer these questions and more: How do doctors discriminate and is it malpractice? What is a patient profiling lawsuit? Can I file one? How does patient profiling become medical malpractice? Can I sue for patient profiling? Read on to find out more! Check out our quick…
Medical Malpractice, Nursing Negligence, Wrongful Death
How Negligence Can Lead To A MRSA Lawsuit
There’s a staph infection that looks like other staph infections, but it doesn’t act like them. In fact, it doesn’t even respond to the same antibiotics. Looks like a duck but acts like a dog, sort of thing. We’re talking about methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infection. Don’t worry we’ll only say that once. The more common…
Medical Malpractice
When To File A Hernia Mesh Lawsuit
Here’s everything you need to know before you file a hernia mesh lawsuit, from hernia mesh failure symptoms to how to file the lawsuit and more. Did you know that some people suffer chronic mesh pain that doesn’t go away for several years? Or that there have been thousands of lawsuits against against hernia mesh…
Medical Malpractice
Brain Injury Lawsuits & How Physicians Can Do Better
The brain is responsible for handling our thoughts, movements, memories, imagination, and emotions, among countless other things. You know, all of the characteristics that help define us as unique human beings. Being the epicenter of operations, it’s easy to see why the brain is sometimes referred to as the “Crown Jewel” of the body. Because the…
Brain Injuries, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Death