Medical Malpractice

Stethoscopes wrapped around a judge's gavel lying on a desk

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Medical Negligence Lawyer

If you or your loved one has been seriously injured by a medical professional — a doctor, nurse, obstetrician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc. —who do you turn to? With all of the lawyers claiming expertise in medical malpractice litigation, how do you decide who to hire? Who would be the best lawyer to trust with such…
Baby in the NICU

Medical Errors

  Babies who are born prematurely often have breathing issues, as well as other conditions, and may require admission into the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for additional care and close monitoring. This is a frightening time for any parent, especially because newborns are often rushed to the NICU with very little explanation as…
Stethoscopes wrapped around a judge's gavel lying on a desk

The Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

  According to a new study published in the BMJ — formerly the British Medical Journal — researchers have determined that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States [1], trailing only heart disease and cancer. Based on the results of the study, medical errors result in the death of…
Doctor writing on a tablet while holding a BP Cuff (Spygomanometer)

The Importance of Fetal Heart Monitoring

  One of the greatest advances in the field of obstetrics has been the development of electronic fetal heart monitoring. It allows clinicians to evaluate, in real time, the adequacy of fetal oxygenation.
Stethoscopes lying next to a baby's arm

Abnormal Fetal Presentations

  The position of the baby in the uterus is referred to as its “presentation.” It is important that obstetricians or midwives monitor the baby’s presentation as pregnancy approaches term to determine whether it is in the correct position for vaginal delivery, or whether other measures should be taken.
Image of neural activity in the brain

What is Hypoxic Brain Injury?

  The brain requires approximately 20% of the body’s oxygen intake to function properly. Hypoxia occurs when the brain does not receive enough oxygen. The low levels of oxygen limits brain activity, interrupting neurotransmitters and electrochemical impulses. This can seriously affect the rest of the body. Brain cells can die within five minutes. If not…