Resolving Medical Malpractice Cases in Houston
To successfully prosecute a case of medical malpractice in Texas, you will need expert testimony from a physician familiar with the area of medicine involved in your case. At Hampton & King, we have resources and contacts in the medical community to help us identify qualified expert witnesses from all over the country. When you work with us, we advance the cost of hiring experts for your case. Why do we do this? Because we believe in our clients’ cases.
Why Experts Are Necessary
Determining whether a health care provider met the standard of care in your case is complicated. Such a determination can usually only be made by a doctor who practices in that area of medicine. In Texas, you must get an expert’s medical opinion before you can prosecute a medical malpractice lawsuit.
The expert who testifies in your case must address:
- Whether the physician, nurse, or other medical professional met the standard of care.
- Whether the failure to meet the standard of care caused your injury / injuries.
For example, just because a doctor failed to meet the standard of care in diagnosing your illness does not mean that you have a case. Through expert testimony, your attorney would have to prove that the misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis caused you injury. Under Texas law, anyone filing a medical malpractice claim against a doctor or hospital must serve one or more expert reports, along with the curriculum vitae of the experts on the defendants. Without an appropriate expert report, your case will be dismissed. That is why it is so crucial to have qualified attorneys on your side during this time.
Ready to Talk? Call Our Firm at (713) 489-0993.
If you would like to learn more about your options in medical malpractice cases, Hampton & King is here to help. Our team includes a licensed doctor and a Ph.D. nurse, both of whom help our callers learn if and why they have a valid malpractice claim with their wealth of medical knowledge. When you hire us, we walk you through every step of your case and help you secure expert testimony from a qualified physician. Trust your case to our Houston medical malpractice firm today!
Call (713) 489-0993 to schedule your free consultation today.
Call 713.489.0993 for your free case consultation.
Let us get you answers and review your options today.