Few patients expect that something will go seriously wrong when they receive
any medical treatment. In the United States, most people who work in healthcare
must undergo extensive training, obtain the required licenses and certifications
and even complete continuing education requirements as mandated by their
professions. Nevertheless, doctor mistakes continue to occur and Texas
families may find themselves having to confront the loss of a loved one.
In such instances, a wrongful death lawsuit may be the only way to find
relief for damages caused by medical negligence.
Many families struggling to cope with a sudden loss are likely to be overwhelmed
by the thought of a complicated lawsuit. In reality, medical malpractice
suits and wrongful death cases can indeed prove highly complex. However,
the attorneys at Hampton & King have decades of experience holding
negligent parties accountable. By consulting with experienced wrongful
death attorneys, families can better understand the malpractice process.
In addition, families can be less intimidated by entities such as doctors,
hospitals and other potentially negligent parties.
The legal team at Hampton & King employs a registered nurse consultant
who has not only clinical care experience but also experience as the director
of a quality management program at a Texas hospital. As a result, there
is finely-tuned legal and medical judgment involved in the evaluation
of a potential wrongful death case. Families can rest assured that professional
knowledge is being utilized to its fullest extent in any fight to hold
negligent or reckless parties accountable.
Whether a death was caused by a preventable anesthesia error, the rushed
misdiagnosis of a fatal condition or another type of medical mistake,
attorneys Hartley Hampton and Chris King know how to approach the case
and formulate a strategic plan for recovery.
Call 713.489.0993 for your free case consultation.
Let us get you answers and review your options today.