Josh Rueff

The amount of money you’ll get for a malpractice case depends on many things, including your location.

Medical Malpractice Payouts By State

Wondering what the medical malpractice payouts are for your state? Check out the latest data for medical malpractice payouts by state below. Your state’s rank might surprise you!  Where you live can affect the compensation you could receive for your medical malpractice claim. Certain states pay out more than others. And some pay out very…
A man adjusts to the loss of his companion.

What Is Loss Of Companionship In A Medical Malpractice Case?

Injuries from medical malpractice affect more than their victims. They affect the victim’s family, too. It’s especially difficult for spouses/partners. They must face the reality that their loved one will never be the same again. Damages for loss of companionship can’t make a malpractice victim whole. But they can give a devastated partner some measure…
Baby with birth injury.

Birth Injury Settlement After Malpractice 

Despite advancements in modern medicine, preventable hiccups occur. Far too many negligent healthcare providers endanger lives through their actions. Or lack thereof. Parents whose children have suffered at the hands of malpractice may find some recourse from a birth injury settlement. While it may not reverse existing injuries, a settlement can help provide necessary treatment. …
Nurse practicioner with arms folded.

Nurse Practitioner Lawsuit – Should You File One?

Nurses. They’re on the forefront of healthcare. Patients spend most of their time in clinics and hospitals with nurses. From recording a patient’s medical record to collecting their blood sample, they do it all. So it may come as a surprise that many patients have filed a nurse practitioner lawsuit.  In fact, there were over…

Anesthesia Malpractice – Are You A Victim?

Surgeries. They happen every day. All over the world. Heart surgeries. Brain surgeries. Hip surgeries. Eye surgeries. Surgeries to bring life into the world. Surgeries to remove a kidney. And where there’s surgery, there’s anesthesia. While the possible dangerous outcomes of surgery is a real fear of many people, anesthesia malpractice may not cross their…
Doctor stressed because of medical malpractice mistake.

Medical Malpractice Vs Negligence

Pobody’s nerfect. Oh, excuse us–it’s “nobody’s perfect.” Everyone makes mistakes. But a medical mistake can have much greater consequences than a typo. In “legalese”, those errors are classified as medical malpractice and negligence. Have you been injured because of a doctor’s mistake? You’re probably wondering which “bucket” your case belongs in. It’s helpful to know…