Common Mismanaged Health Conditions


Doctor wearing lab coat looking at an x-ray of patient's ribs.When we go to the doctors, we expect them to properly diagnose and treat
any ailment we may be dealing with so we can recover. Unfortunately, there
are countless conditions and illnesses that may have similar symptoms.
This often leads to misdiagnosed conditions and the patient not receiving
the treatment they deserve. There are some health conditions that are
more commonly mismanaged than others, and victims may have a condition
that worsens.

Conditions Often Misdiagnosed

Some of the most commonly misdiagnosed and mismanaged health conditions
include central pontine myelinolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and Wernicke’s
syndrome. There are also issues that often arise when diagnosing cancer
and other life-threatening conditions. The more severe the condition,
the worse the complications may be.

Mismanaged Treatments

Some of the common treatments that are often mismanaged are those involving
cancer and issues involving defective medical devices. One of the most
common errors, however, involves drug interactions and the way certain
prescriptions may react with another. Doctors are supposed to identify
and explain prescription medication that would be harmful if mixed. The
patient should not be provided medications if they are not safe for them.

Errors with Anesthesia

When someone is set to undergo surgery or they need to be under anesthesia
for any reason, there is a possibility that something can go wrong, causing
the patient harm. This can include misintubation, overdose of anesthesia,
misplacement of the laryngeal mask airway, and more. All of these can
cause long-term damage or in the worst cases, they can be fatal mistakes.

With a full-time MD on staff, our team at Hampton & King has the direct
knowledge and resources to recreate the problem that occurred leading
to the mismanaged health condition. Our
Houston medical malpractice attorneys take these types of situations very seriously and we are determined to
help our clients get the justice they deserve. If you or someone you love
has been harmed, we will stand by your side to help protect your rights.

Schedule your free case evaluation by contacting our legal team today.



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