
Doctor discusses medical consent with patient.

Lack Of Informed Consent – How Does It Lead To Medical Malpractice?

Before treatment, have you ever been sat down by your doctor while he explains to you the procedure and associated risks? It feels like a lot of box-ticking, right? It may also feel a bit daunting – you’re going in for a simple procedure and suddenly you’re warned of infection, paralysis – even death! This…
Baby with birth injury in NICU.

Choosing The Right Birth Injury Lawyer – Your Helpful Guide

In the United States alone, over 3.5 million babies are born each year. Most of these deliveries are completed without any complications and mom and baby are sent home without further assistance. However, some newborns don’t go home unscathed. And many of these injuries are preventable. This is why hiring a birth injury lawyer can…
Man mourns wife over coumadin accident.

When & Why To File A Coumadin Lawsuit

Loren Peters, an 85-year-old man, made headlines after he was admitted to the emergency room in 2013. His gums bled and his body was black and blue with bruising. The cause? An overdose of the widely-used blood thinner, Coumadin. Loren had been prescribed Coumadin in his nursing home due to his abnormal heart rhythm. Abnormal…
Image of a brain.

Neurosurgeon Malpractice – Want To File A Case?

Did you know about 20% of all practicing neurosurgeons in the United States face medical malpractice litigation each year? Or that the majority of all neurosurgeon malpractice cases come about after a spinal surgery? What about the average payout of neurosurgeon malpractice cases? Did you know neurosurgeon malpractice claims have the highest payout amounts? 
Mother holding her newborn's feet in the palm of her hands.

Negligence Cause A Birth Defect? Consider Filing A Birth Defect Lawsuit

Expecting parents shouldn’t have to worry about filing a lawsuit over a birth defect.  But each year, 3 percent of all babies born in the US have a birth defect of some sort. (Source: CDC) And some of those defects are caused by negligence. Pregnancy is both the most exciting and nerve-racking time in many…
Woman upset that she missed opportunity to sue.

Medical Malpractice Statute Of Limitations: How Much Time Do I Have?

Imagine you’ve had surgery to have a benign abdominal tumor removed. After making an easy recovery,  follow-up appointments show that the surgery was a success. Soon you’re able to go back to work.  But two years later, you’re hit with excruciating pain – for no apparent reason. The feeling worsens as the days drag on.…