Josh Rueff

Lawyer helps victim settle lawsuit.

What Damages Are Typically Included in a Brain Injury at Birth Lawsuit?

A traumatic brain injury at birth places two heavy burdens on the backs of an injured child’s parents. The first is the realization that the life they envisioned for their child may not be possible. The second is the enormous cost of treatment. In many cases, it will be impossible to pay out of pocket. …
Mother experience AFE birth.

AFE Birth (Amniotic Fluid Embolism)

Amniotic fluid embolism is one of the most fatal birth complications, but thankfully it’s rare. Even so, women shouldn’t be kept in the dark about the risks of an AFE birth.  Below we’ll give you an overview of this dangerous condition, and share AFE survival rate information. We’ll also discuss why mishandling AFE is a…
Mother copes with baby's birth injury.

How Can Families Cope With a Diagnosis of Brain Damage at Birth?

Like giant waves crashing against a flood barrier, a diagnosis of brain damage at birth can send you scrambling for reinforcements. It’s a challenge for any family to cope with, no matter how united or strong they may be.  But good floodwalls mitigate even the worst deluge—and so can you with the right knowledge and…
Baby in hospital because of HIE brain injury during childbirth.

HIE Birth Brain Injury: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

You recall the moment clearly: your doctor sat you down and said your child’s diagnosis is HIE. What is HIE? Thanks to shock and exhaustion, you may not recall all of the details of your doctor’s explanation. Of course, this article can’t replace your doctor’s explanation of an HIE birth brain injury. It’s not meant as…
Filing a Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome lawsuit.

Understanding Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome & Filing a Lawsuit

You’re in the hospital after the worst stomach bug of your life. You have hyponatremia (too little sodium in the blood), thanks to excessive vomiting and diarrhea. You want to feel better ASAP! But correcting hyponatremia too fast is the last thing doctors should do. That can cause a devastating disorder called osmotic demyelination syndrome.…
Baby with HIE.

Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy Stages

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a complex condition. No two cases are the same. In fact, a diagnosis of HIE can mean anything from the baby having mild issues to the worst-case scenario that the situation is fatal. This is why hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy stages are an important classification tool for doctors.  In this article, we’ll examine: So…