Josh Rueff

The outside entrance of a hospital.

Hiring A Hospital Infection Lawyer For Your HAI Lawsuit

Hospitals are full of doctors, patients, machines, and medicine. Do you know what else they can be full of? Infections. Everyone goes to the hospital hoping to get better. No one goes hoping they’ll become host to some free-loading infection. Sometimes a negligent doctor’s error is to blame. If it happens to you, you can…
Young child with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy sits in wheelchair with braces on legs.

Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is the most common type of motor disability in children. According to the CDC, 1-4 per 1,000 children are affected by cerebral palsy. While many cases of cerebral palsy cannot be prevented, some are caused solely because of the negligence of doctors. This includes spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (SDCP).  If you believe a…
Baby with birth injury in NICU.

Subgaleal Hemorrhage In Newborns May Be Due To Medical Malpractice

Birth injuries are real fears of many soon-to-be parents. Sometimes, there’s nothing that can be done to prevent injuries or conditions a baby is born with. However, the negligence of a medical professional can cause a birth injury. While errors are not uncommon in the medical field, permanent disabilities and serious injuries caused by them…

Leukemia Misdiagnosis & Medical Malpractice

For many, there’s a lot of anxiety surrounding healthcare. The fear of the unknown causes many people to avoid the doctor altogether. What if the doctor diagnoses me with a serious illness? Or what happens if a doctor incorrectly diagnoses me? Though an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, sometimes these fears…
Woman experiences severe symptoms from ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic Pregnancy Malpractice Cases Can Be Fatal

While most pregnancies in the US result in healthy babies, there are unfortunately exceptions. Some women will face complications during pregnancy. Sometimes, shortly after conception. An ectopic pregnancy is a condition that takes place in the beginning of a pregnancy. That’s where a doctor’s prompt and adequate care comes in. Treating an ectopic pregnancy in…
Patient with her hand held to her head in pain.

Can I Sue For Medical Negligence?

It’s a loaded question. To prove negligence, you’ll need medical records, perhaps testimonies, evidence of the negligence and your injury. But we’ll get to that soon. Let’s start at the beginning. You put your life and health in a doctor’s or hospital’s hands. And they let you down. You’re not heading down the road to…