Birth Injuries

Attorneys sitting at a table discussing things

Find Experienced Lawyers In a Houston Birth Injury Case

  It is an unfortunate situation, but there are times when serious injuries occur. When they occur to babies, it can lead to a lifetime of financial, physical, and emotional hardship. If you have experienced any kind of medical negligence that has led to a birth injury, you must understand that there are specific rights…
Baby's toy focused in the foreground with unfocused baby lying in the background

Cost of Care In Birth Injury Cases

  There is nothing worse than watching your child experience pain from a birth injury caused by a doctor’s negligence. Unfortunately, this happens more often than most people want to think and the aftermath is often very difficult. While we must deal with the physical damage that children may deal with, it’s also important to…
Doctor showing a pregnant woman an ultrasound on an iPad while she lies on a patient table with her shirt pulled up

What are a Houston OB/GYN’s Responsibilities?

  When a woman is pregnant, they need to go to a doctor who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. These are often referred to as OB/GYNs. These doctors understand everything about pregnancy, labor, and delivery so the mother has a knowledgeable professional on her side who can put her mind at ease during this process.…
Steel forceps lying on a operating table with a blue background

Why Doctors Decide to Use Forceps or Vacuum Extractors

  Having a baby is supposed to be the most memorable time for parents, but there are some situations when unexpected complications may occur. When complications do arise, the obstetrician, nurses, and other medical professionals may take action to rectify the situation and get things going smoothly. One decision that may be made during a…
Blurred image of a baby in the hospital

Long-Term Impact of a Birth Injury

  An injury is something that nobody wants to experience. It’s even more traumatic and worse when the injury occurs to a newborn baby. Unfortunately, these types of incidents happen far too often and babies are left dealing with a birth injury that can impact their entire lives. As a parent, it’s important for you…
Gurney in a hospital hallway

How to Determine If You Have a Valid Case

  Many individuals are victim to medical malpractice or birth injuries, but they never do anything about it because they are not sure of what to do it or how to do it. They simply don’t know that they have legal options and they may have a case against the negligent party. Before you dismiss…