Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

Medical Information Provided By: Dr. Krista Kurtyan, M.D.
Legal Information Provided By: Hartley Hampton, J.D. and Christopher King, J.D.

Child born with HIE? You may be entitled to compensation!

When an infant is born, it is supposed to be a joyous occasion. Unfortunately, there are some situations in which the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen and blood. This combines to cause a type of brain damage known has Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). This is a dangerous medical condition that affects roughly 20 out of every 1,000 births that go full term. In premature babies, the rates jump to about 60%.

Causes of HIE

There are a number of complications that can occur during the pregnancy and during delivery. These complications can often cause HIE. There are also a number of postpartum complications such as infections, brain trauma, severe pulmonary or cardiac disease, or blood pressure that can all cause HIE.

Some of the most common causes of HIE include:

  • Preeclampsia
  • Fetal anemia
  • Lung malformations
  • Placenta or uterus rupture
  • Umbilical cord accidents
  • Abnormal fetal positions

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Can HIE be treated?

When it comes to treating HIE, there are a number of methods a doctor may consider. It is important to act quickly and determine which option is best based on the cause of the condition. Another determining factor when deciding treatment options is the damage that has been done to the baby’s brain. Because of the number of factors involved, the main focus is to treat the organs affected by the condition.

Doctors may consider a ventilation machine if the baby is having trouble breathing on his or her own. Oxygen treatment or general medications may also be used depending on what symptoms are being caused. If the HIE causes high temperatures, an option may be to cool the body and brain of the baby. These treatment options must be administered in a timely manner.

HIE Lawyers in Houston

If you notice that your baby is experiencing low heart rate, pale skin color, trouble breathing, poor muscle tone, excessive acid in the blood, or meconium-stained amniotic fluid, HIE may be the cause. The doctor should administer tests such as CT or MRI scans, echocardiography, or ultrasound. The severity of the symptoms will often determine if additional tests are needed.

At Hampton & King, our Houston Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy lawyers are determined to help families after severe birth injuries. We are aware of the various causes of HIE and we work hard to help families secure compensation for damages related to the injury. Trust that when you come to our firm, we utilize our more than 60 years of experience on your behalf. We have helped countless families in the past and we are committed to making sure you have the tough advocacy you need on your side.

Call Hampton & King today at (713) 489-0993.

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